Wednesday, October 21, 2009

3 months old!

Geetu is now 3 months old. I can hardly believe it.
She grabs things. She reaches out and grabs things; she even grabbed her doctor's stethoscope! She smiles and coos a lot and recognizes my face. She even holds her own bottle, when there's less than 1.5 oz of milk in it and even tries to flip the page in the rhymes book that her mom got her. How can kids be so smart? The prenatal pills did the trick? Her brain is ultra active. Oh my.

This weather this week has been beautiful. Great fall colors here in Aurora; we took Geetu out to the play ground and I put her on the swing while her mother held her. We didn't swing her, but I did take a pic on my iphone.

Speaking of the iphone...the other day, Geetu looked at and felt the iphone like it was the monolith. Only one buddy on facebook caught it. I gotta take a picture the next time she does that. I really wonder that my generation crosses its monolith properly and clears the way for Geetu's generation. We are so useless. *sigh*

I really gotta control my anger (at my mom and wife) when they're taking care of Geetu.

OK - we gotta go take her hand prints and foot prints. Adios ;-)

PS: We definitely aren't calling her "Gia". The name has become a little "Eww" for me.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Back - with two girls in my life!

I had forgotten the name of my blog. Literally. I clicked on some random (hehe) guy's blog; it didn't exist. Then I clicked on something that brought me to my own blog and I go "is this me?"

I've been wanting to write ever since Geetu was born, but I'm lazy. I wanted to record every single thing that she ever did/does (cooing, crying, turning over, saying "amma", etc). But I'm lazy.

Since I last posted, I got hitched, knocked up my wife right away, had the most beautiful baby girl in the world and also celebrated my first anniversary. I think it's a good thing that I didn't write while my Mother-in-Law was here. My head wasn't thinking straight.

Ok - now I gotta go pick up Chaitra; I don't want her to wait in the rain. She just called and I'm ignoring her; she goes "you are being very frank". I'm waiting her to ask about Geetu; she finally asks "Baby?" as if she's totally tired of asking "How is Geetu?" "Did she drink milk?" "Did she sleep ok?" "Is she playing?" "Did she coo?". Today is her first day back at work and evidently, I'm already very productive.

Children change everything. If children had the ability to retain their memories from infant-years and toddler-years, then the world would be a much better place. I now realize what my parents went through with me. And Geetu is about a million times better.

I really gotta go pick her up. Adios.