Thursday, January 3, 2008

another year

new year is always exciting for me. this year, my new year resolution: effective time management. i won't read useless things, watch simpsons, sopranos or tintin without finishing up all my chores and errands. i even started making a list of todos and am scratching out items as soon as they are done. so far, it's working ;)

new year eve was different this time; i made a donation for a change. to the casino. hundred dollars. per hour. for five hours. great start, i say.

i already feel 28! and now i gotta go clean up my room. what am i doing here?! hopefully next year by this time, i will use the phrase "my wife". *sigh* i hate what she's done to me.

the person who i borrowed w00t from? i forgot her birthday yet again! and i'm so good at remembering birthdays. a big belated happy birthday to lauren ;)

studying sucks. i just wanna drink single malts, eat nachos and watch cartoons.

why is it that every time i look at obama, i picture a bullet in his chest? i'm gonna vote in the IL primaries, god damn it. we're gonna put him in the office!

ps: i need to get my IL id.

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